Author Archives: Nagore Valera

The weather has always been one of the most universal topics of conversation. And when it comes to the Spanish language, it is no exception at all.

There are many Spanish expressions about the weather that are used in everyday conversation, making it an essential topic to master if you want to speak Spanish like a native.

Why is it important to know weather expressions in Spanish?

The knowledge of weather expressions in Spanish is not only useful for small talk.

These expressions and sayings are a reflection of the culture of Spanish speakers and their relationship with the weather and nature. They can also be used to read human emotions and moods.

8 spanish expressions about the weather

1. “Estar pachucho”

Meaning: Feeling sick or down.

Example of use: “Me siento un poco pachucho hoy, creo que me quedaré en casa.”

How and when use it: It is used when you feel physically or emotionally unwell.

2. “Dejarlo para otra ocasión”

Meaning: Postponing an invitation to another time.

Example of use: “¿Puedo dejar el cafe para otra ocasión? Hoy lo intercambiaré por trabajo.”

How and when use it: When you need to kindly postpone an invitation.

3. “Montar un drama”

Meaning: Making a big fuss about something insignificant.

Example of use: “No te preocupes por él, le gusta montar dramas.”

How and when use it: When someone is making a big deal about something that is not a big deal.

4. “Romper el hielo”

Meaning: Starting a conversation or breaking an initial tension.

Example of use: “Vamos a romper el hielo con un juego divertido.”

How and when use it: In situations where you need to start a conversation or relieve tension.

5. “Está lloviendo a mares”

Meaning: It is raining very hard.

Example of use: “Necesitarás un paraguas, ¡está lloviendo a mares!”

How and when use it: You can use it when it rains a lot and you want to point out the situation.

6. “Después de la tormenta viene la calma”

Meaning: Every negative situation has a positive aspect.

Example of use: “Se que estás enojado por no conseguir el trabajo, pero recuerda, después de la tormenta viene la calma.”

How and when use it: When you want to encourage someone who is going through a difficult situation.

Spanish expressions about the weather

7. “Estar por las nubes”

Meaning: Feeling extremely happy or euphoric.

Example of use: “Cada vez que se enamora está por las nubes.”

How and when use it: When you are really happy.

8. “Estar desbordado”

Meaning: Being extremely busy.

Example of use: “No puedo ir a la fiesta, estoy desbordado de trabajo.”

How and when use it: When you have a lot of work or tasks.

How and when to use these spanish expressions about the weather

Spanish expressions related to the weather, such as those we have explored, are versatile tools for talking. As long as the person you are talking to is familiar with them, they are useful in both informal and formal contexts.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Context: Make sure you use the expression in the right context. For example, “arruinarle la fiesta” is more appropriate if you are talking about a specific event where someone ruined the good mood.
  2. Take into account the tone of the conversation: Expressions such as “estar desbordado” may be useful to show empathy when talking about how busy someone is, but may not be appropriate in a more formal setting where more direct and literal language is required.
  3. Practice: While you can learn these expressions by reading them, true mastery comes with practice. Try to incorporate them into your daily conversations.
  4. Culturally relevant: Remember that these expressions are a vital part of spanish-speaking culture and can help you sound more native. However, make sure the other person is familiar with them to avoid misunderstandings.
  5. Being aware of the situation: Some expressions may not be appropriate in all situations. “Estar por las nubes”, for example, is a jovial way of expressing happiness and may not be appropriate in a serious or formal context.

In short

Talking about the weather may seem like a trivial thing to do, but as we have seen, Spanish expressions related to the weather are an important part of the Spanish language and culture.
So the next time you are speaking Spanish, why not try some of these expressions, you might be surprised at how much they enrich your conversations!

If you have any other weather phrases you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you! And if you want to learn more expressions, check out our blog for more articles or download our translation apps in GooglePlay and Appstore.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Have you ever been so in love with someone that you felt butterflies in your stomach? Or had a crush so strong that you believed it was love at first sight?

These are universal feelings that we all experience, no matter where we come from. However, the way we express them can vary depending on our language and culture. In this article, you will discover 16 native Spanish expressions related to love and relationships.

These love expressions in Spanish will give you a better understanding of how Spanish speakers see and talk about relationships, from falling in love to getting married and the difficulties that can arise along the way.

Spanish expressions about the beginning of a relationship

We start with some expressions that describe the beginning of a relationship:

Native spanish expressions about love and relationships

“Tener un flechazo por alguien”

This spanis expression about love is used when someone is intensely attracted to another person, often in a slightly obsessive way and usually in secret. It is common among adolescents and young adults.

Example of use: “Creo que he tenido un flechazo por el mejor amigo de mi hermano. Me pongo nerviosa cada vez que está cerca.”

Translation: I think I have a crush on my best friend’s brother. I get nervous every time he’s around.

“Invitarla a salir”

This expression means to ask someone out on a date. It is a term commonly used when one person shows romantic interest in another.

Example of use: “Voy a invitarla a salir. Espero que diga que sí.”

Translation: “I’m going to ask her out. I hope she says yes.”


This phrase is used to describe a situation where two people feel an instant connection and get along very well from the beginning.

Example of use: “Hemos conectado de inmediato. Tenemos mucho en común.”

Translation: “We hit it off right away. We have so much in common.”

“Hacerse el/la difícil”

This expression is used when someone is playing hard to get in the other person’s way to increase the other person’s interest.

Example of use: “No puedo decir si realmente no está interesada, o si simplemente se está haciendo la difícil.”

Translation: “I can’t tell if she’s really not interested, or if she’s just playing hard to get.”

Spanish expressions of love and affection

Native spanish expressions about love and relationships

“Enamorarse locamente”

This phrase means to fall deeply in love with someone, often suddenly and unexpectedly.

Example of use: “Me enamoré locamente de ella en el momento en que la vi.”

Translation: “I fell head over heels in love with her the moment I saw her.”

“Amor a primera vista”

This expression describes the situation in which someone falls in love with another person the first time they see him or her.

Example of use: “Fue amor a primera vista. Supe que ella era la indicada para mí en cuanto la vi.”

Translation: “It was love at first sight. I knew she was the one for me as soon as I saw her.”

“Estar colado/a por alguien”

This phrase is used to describe someone who is completely captivated or in love with another person.

Example of use: “Está completamente colado por ella. No puede dejar de hablar de ella.”

Translation: “He is completely smitten with her. He can’t stop talking about her.”

“La niña de sus ojos”

This expression is used to describe someone who is very much loved or appreciated by another person.

Example of use: “Su nieto es la niña de sus ojos. Ella le presta atención constantemente.”

Translation: “Her grandson is the apple of her eye. She dotes on him constantly.”

Spanish expressions on engagement and marriage

Moving on to a more serious level of the relationship, here are some phrases related to commitment and marriage:

Native spanish expressions about love and relationships

“Pedir matrimonio”

This expression refers to making a marriage proposal. It is an informal and colloquial way of describing this event.

Example of use: “Decidió pedirle matrimonio el día de su aniversario.”

Translation: “He decided to pop the question on their anniversary day.”

“Dar el si quiero”

This phrase is a way of saying that they are getting married. It is a spanish expression about love very common.

Example of use: “Van a darse el si quiero el próximo verano.”

Translation: “They’re going to tie the knot next summer.”


This is another informal and colloquial way of referring to getting married. It is similar to “dar el si quiero”.

Example of use: “Se casaron en una pequeña ceremonia privada.”

Translation: “They got hitched in a small, private ceremony.”

“Sentar la cabeza”:

This phrase means deciding to live a quieter and more stable life, often by getting married or having children.

Example of use: “Ahora que estamos casados, planeamos sentar la cabeza y formar una familia.”

Translation: “Now that we’re married, we’re planning to settle down and start a family.”

Spanish expressions of relationship difficulties

Angry couple

“Estar en crisis”

This expression is used to describe a relationship that is going through a difficult period and may be about to end.

Example of use: “Su relación ha estado en crisis desde que tuvieron esa gran discusión.”

Translation: “Their relationship has been on the rocks ever since they had that big argument.”

“Tomar distancia”

This phrase refers to the situation where two people lose contact or become less close over time, often due to lack of communication or interaction.

Example of use: “Solíamos ser mejores amigos, pero nos hemos distanciado con los años.”

Translation: “We used to be best friends, but we’ve drifted apart over the years.”

“Tener un encontronazo”

This expression is used to describe a serious quarrel or disagreement that causes tension or the end of a relationship.

Example of use: “Tuvieron un encontronazo sobre dinero y no han hablado desde entonces.”

Translation: “They had a falling out over money and haven’t spoken since.”


This phrase is used to describe the end of a romantic relationship.

Example of use: “Decidieron romper después de salir juntos durante cinco años.”

Translation: “They decided to break up after dating for five years.”

In short

Native spanish expressions about love and relationships offer an insight into how spanish speakers see and describe their relationships.

Love is a universal language, but the way we express it can be unique and fascinating in each culture.

Universal love


You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

The first step is to learn how to use native Spanish in everyday situations. These phrases and expressions can help you to make your conversations more natural and more fluent. To help you speak Spanish like a native speaker, we will explore some of these expressions.

Native spanish expressions

Let’s take a look at some common expressions that will help you understand and speak English more naturally.

1. “Pan comido”

This phrase means that something is easy to do.

Example: “La prueba fue pan comida.”

2. “No estar en tu mejor momento”

It means feeling sick or not very well.

Example: “I’m feeling a bit under the weather today.”

Native spanish expressions for daily life

3. “¡Mucha mierda”

This is an expression of good wishes, similar to saying “Good luck!

Example: “¡Mucha mierda en la presentación de hoy!”

4. “Apretar los dientes”

It means to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage.

Example: “Aprieto los dientes y empiezo la dieta.”

5. “La pelota está en tu tejado”

This implies that it is your turn to take action or make a decision.

Example: “He hecho todo lo que podía, ahora la pelota está en tu tejado.”

6. “Hincar los codos”

It’s a way of saying that you have to study hard.

Example: “Mañana tengo un examen dificil, necesito hincar los codos esta noche.”

Native spanish expressions for daily life

7. “Soltar la sopa”

This means revealing a secret.

Example: “No sueltes la sopa de la fiesta sorpresa.”

8. “Coger un atajo”

This expression means to do something as easily and quickly as possible, often at the sacrifice of quality.

Example: “No queremos coger atajos para terminar el proyecto antes. La calidad es nuestra prioridad.”

9. “Poner toda la carne en el asador”

It means making an additional effort or an effort beyond what is required.

Example: “Ella siempre pone toda la carne en el asados para ayudar a sus estudiantes a comprender la asignatura.”

Native spanish expressions for daily life

10. “En la misma sintonía”

This phrase means to agree on a particular issue or to have the same understanding of something.

Example: “Antes de proceder con el proyecto, aseguremonos de estar en la misma sintonía.”

How to learn and practice these spanish expressions

Listen and Repeat

One of the best ways to learn Spanish expressions used in everyday situations is to hear them used in real life. Try watching movies or TV shows in Spanish, or listening to music and podcasts.

If you hear an expression that you don’t understand, write it down and do a lookup. Then, try to repeat it a few times until you feel comfortable using it.

Use them in conversation

What better way to learn new Spanish phrases than through practice?
Try to incorporate these phrases into your everyday interactions. They will soon become a natural part of your Spanish vocabulary if you start using them regularly.

Tips for memorising these native spanish expressions

Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a very effective study tool. Write the expression in spanish on one side of the card and its meaning in english on the other.

Review these cards regularly to help you remember these expressions.

Practice with a partner

If you have a friend or study partner who is also learning spanish, you can practise together. Try to use the native spanish expressions in your conversation and correct each other.

Native spanish expressions for daily life - study partner

Take advantage of language learning apps

Technology has provided us with wonderful tools for language learning, one of the most notable of which are the Talkao applications. These applications facilitate the acquisition of native Spanish expressions by emphasizing the real use of the language.

In short

Mastering native spanish expressions for everyday life not only enables you to understand and participate more effectively in everyday conversations, but also gives you a deeper insight into the culture of spanish-speaking countries.

Although it may seem challenging at first, with the right strategies, tools like Talkao’s apps and, of course, a little practice, you can incorporate these expressions into your spanish vocabulary.

Learning a language is a journey: enjoy the process and celebrate your achievements every step of the way – good luck on your spanish learning adventure!

Remember !!!

You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

In today’s globalised world, fluency in spanish in the workplace is vital. Knowing grammar and vocabulary may not be enough. Using native spanish expressions for work can make all the difference to your professional success.

Why are Spanish Expressions for Work Important?

Spanish is recognized as an important language in the business world. Therefore, a good knowledge of this language is indispensable in the professional world. Beyond the fundamental linguistic competence, knowledge of “Spanish expressions for work” can be a powerful tool to improve communication and relationships in the workplace.

Native spanish expressions for work

Here are ten essential native Spanish expressions for the workplace that will help you perform in the professional environment with greater fluency and self-confidence.

Expression 1: “La pelota está en tu tejado”

This expression is used to indicate that it is someone else’s turn to take an action or make a decision.

Example: “Hice todo lo que pude en el proyecto. Ahora la pelota está en tu tejado.”

Expression 2: “Echar a rodar”

“Echar a rodar” means starting a process or project.

Example: “Echemos a rodar la propuesta para poder presentarla la semana que viene.”

Native spanish expressions for work

Expression 3: “Tras bambalinas”

This phrase is used to refer to actions that occur in private or out of public view.

Example: “Nuestro equipo trabajó tras bambalinas para asegurar el contrato.”

Expresión 4: “Como Dios manda”

“Como Dios manda” means to do something exactly as the rules or the law say it should be done.

Example: “Nuestra empresa ha hecho todo como Dios manda para garantizar transparencia.”

Native spanish expressions for work -  justice

Expression 5: “Escalar puestos”

It means advancing in the corporate hierarchy or moving up the career ladder.

Example: “Comenzó como interna, pero trabajó duro y escaló puestos hasta convertirse en CEO.”

Expression 6: “Arrancar con fuerza”

This phrase means to start a project or work quickly and with a lot of enthusiasm.

Example: “El nuevo director de ventas arrancó con fuerza tan pronto como fue contratado.”

Native spanish expressions for work - enthusiasm

Expression 7: “En la misma sintonía”

“Estar en la misma sintonía” means to have the same understanding or to agree with someone else.

Example: “Vamos a reunirnos mañana para asegurarnos que estamos en la misma sintonía.”

Expression 8: “Elevar el listón”

“Elevar el listón” means to establish a higher level or a new standard.

Example: “Con nuestro innovador diseño, elevaremos el listón en la industria.”

Native spanish expressions for work - raise the bar

Expression 9: “Ponerse en contacto”

“Ponerse en contacto” means to communicate briefly with someone to discuss or confirm something.

Example: “Nos pondremos en contacto la semana que viene para comentar el informe.”

Expression 10: “Hacer cada uno su parte”

It means contributing fairly and equitably to teamwork, carrying out assigned responsibilities and meeting expectations.

Example: “En este proyecto es importante que cada uno haga su parte y complete su tarea a tiempo.”

Native spanish expressions for work - enthusiasm - To pull one's weight

How to incorporate these expressions for work

Knowing how to use native Spanish is an essential part of learning Spanish, especially in the workplace. Here are some strategies for incorporating these expressions into your professional discourse in a fluent, effective and natural way.

Listen and Learn

Listen to native Spanish speakers, whether in a meeting, in a business podcast or even in a TV show or movie.
You should pay attention to their use of phrases and expressions.
It’s one of the best ways to understand the proper context for each expression.

Practice with real examples

Make sure you practise these expressions in real-life contexts.

For example, you might try using “ponerse en contacto” the next time you need to discuss an issue with a colleague, or “elevar el listón” when you are in a strategy meeting. Regular practice will help you to use these expressions confidently and naturally.

Write in spanish

Try to write in spanish whenever possible. If you are in an international work environment, you are likely to have to write emails, reports or presentations in spanish.

Include these expressions in your writing to make it more authentic and natural.

To pull one's weight -  write in spanish

Spanish courses and workshops

A great way to improve your language skills is to enroll in a workplace Spanish course. Courses often cover industry-specific vocabulary, workplace etiquette and, of course, common expressions.

You can also look for workshops or webinars that focus specifically on native Spanish expressions.

Uses technology and learning tools

In today’s digital age, there is a wide range of technologies and tools available to help you improve your spanish.

From mobile apps to speech recognition software, you can find resources to suit your needs and learning style.

For example, language learning apps such as Duolingo and Babbel offer interactive lessons to improve your general language skills.

However, if you are looking for a more personalised solution focused on workplace English, Talkao’s translations apps could be exactly what you need.

Talkao’s apps are designed to help you master native spanish expressions in a variety of contexts, including the workplace. Its interactive and personalised approach means you can learn at your own pace and in a way that suits your specific needs and objectives.

Incorporating these technologies and tools into your learning process can make a big difference.

Not only will they provide you with constant practice, but they will also give you the opportunity to listen and practice authentic pronunciations and phrases.

So whether you prefer the convenience of a mobile app or the depth of an online language course, there’s an spanish learning solution to suit you.

In short

Mastering native spanish expressions for the workplace can help you communicate more effectively, gain confidence and stand out in your work environment.

Don’t underestimate the importance of these tools on your path to professional success. Start incorporating these expressions into your work spanish today and make a difference.


You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Today we are going to dive into the world of spanish expressions about sport. So, whether you’re a fervent follower of football, a basketball buff, or a devotee to diverse sports, this piece is tailor-made just for you.

Why is it important to know expressions about sport?

Gaining proficiency in idiomatic expressions can be a game-changer in mastering a new language. When it comes to spanish expressions about sport, their significance doubles if you’re a sports enthusiast or someone who loves to stay versatile in conversational topics.

These idioms don’t just serve a purpose during sports-related chatter, but are also frequently applied in business dialogues, media discourse, and daily banter.

10 English expressions about sport

1. “La pelota está sobre tu tejado”

  • Meaning: The ball is in your court
  • Example of use: “He hecho todo lo que podía hacer, ahora la pelota está sobre tu tejado.”
  • English translation: “He hecho todo lo que he podido, ahora te toca a ti.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you want to indicate that the next action or decision depends on the other person.

2. “En el último suspiro”

  • Meaning: Something that is decided at the last moment.
  • Example of use: “Este partido se va a decidir en el último suspiro.”
  • English translation: “This match is going down to the wire.”
  • How and when to use it: This expression is perfect to describe situations that are uncertain until the last moment.

3. “Poner en marcha”

  • Meaning: Start something or set something in motion.
  • Example of use: “Vamos a poner en marcha este proyecto.”
  • English translation: “Let’s get the ball rolling on this project.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you want to start a project, a meeting, an activity, etc.

4. “En la recta final”

  • Meaning: En la última fase o etapa de algo.
  • Example of use: “Ahora estamos en la recta final de este proyecto”
  • English translation: “We’re on the home stretch now with this project.”
  • How and when to use it: Usa esta expresión cuando estás cerca de completar un proyecto, una tarea o un evento.

5. “De la nada”

  • Meaning: Something that is surprising or unexpected.
  • Example of use: “Su renuncia salió de la nada”
  • English translation: “His resignation came out of left field.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this phrase when something surprises you or appears without warning.

6. “Subir de nivel”

  • Meaning: Mejorar tu rendimiento en una actividad.
  • Example of use: “Necesitas subir de nivel si quieres ganar este partido.”
  • English translation: “You need to step up your game if you want to win this match.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when someone needs to improve in something, be it in sports, work, study, etc.

7. “Tirar la toalla”

  • Meaning: Give up.
  • Example of use: “He trabajado muy duro en este proyecto, No estoy listo para tirar la toalla.”
  • English translation: “I worked so hard on this project, I’m not ready to throw in the towel.”
  • How and when to use it: This expression is used when you are considering giving up something because it is too difficult or because you are tired.

8. “Una aproximación”

  • Meaning: A rough estimate.
  • Example of use: “¿Puedes darme una cifra aproximada de cuánto costará?”
  • English translation: “Can you give me a ballpark figure of how much it will cost?”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you need a quick and not necessarily accurate estimate of something.

9. “Un cambio radical”

  • Meaning: Something that completely changes the situation.
  • Example of use: “El nuevo iPhone fue un cambio radical en la industria de los smartphones.”
  • English translation: “The new iPhone was a game changer in the smartphone industry.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when something has a significant impact and changes the way things are done.

10. “No quitar ojo”

  • Meaning: Keep your eye on the ball.
  • Example of use: “No le quites el ojo si quieres tener éxito.”
  • English translation: “You need to keep your eye on the ball if you want to succeed”
  • How and when to use it: Use this phrase to remind someone to stay focused on their goal or task..

How and when to use these expressions about sport

As you may have noticed, these spanish expressions about sport have a wide range of uses. They are not limited to discussions about sport; in fact, you will see them used in many different situations.

The important thing is to understand the context and meaning of the expression. With practice, you will become more and more comfortable using them.

Good luck!


You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.


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