
Get to know the Spanish language and its culture. From grammar and vocabulary to history, art and gastronomy.

Share your experiences with the community or ask questions in the comments of each article as you discover all that Spain has to offer you.

Perfect destinations to learn new languages

In an interconnected world, learning languages is essential. Traveling to destinations where the desired language is spoken offers cultural immersion, quality education and unforgettable experiences. Explore destinations such as Madrid, Paris, Vienna and more.

Mejora tu español - disfrutando la comida española

Improve your Spanish through food: Tapas and conversation

Enjoy Spanish cuisine and improve your Spanish. Tapas and conversation in an authentic Spanish environment is a delicious and immersive way to improve your Spanish language skills. Immerse yourself in the culture, enjoy the flavors and improve your fluency.

Expresiones en inglés sobre ocio

Spanish expressions about leisure

Discover the best spanish expressions about leisure to enjoy and communicate like a native speaker. Let’s go!

Expresiones en inglés para eventos sociales

Native spanish expressions for social events

Discover the best English expressions for social events and become the life of the party. Learn how to ‘romper el hielo’, be ‘el alma de la fiesta’ and ‘soltarse el pelo’. Master these expressions and dazzle at any social gathering – don’t miss out!”

refranes en inglés

Spanish sayings and proverbs

Spanish sayings and proverbs can be very useful to get an official certification or to improve your conversational skills.




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