Author Archives: Nagore Valera

Knowing Spanish proverbs and sayings can be very useful if you are applying for official certification or simply want to improve your fluency when speaking with Spanish people.

Things to consider when translating spanish sayings and proverbs

When translating proverbs and sayings into Spanish, we may find that there is no exact translation in our language. Or we may find an expression with a similar meaning.

Depending on the language, the connotations of words can vary, giving them a different concept and meaning. Proverbs and sayings are popular expressions that convey lessons of cultural wisdom.

Here is a selection of Spanish proverbs and sayings with their English equivalents.

Spanish sayings and proverbs

Más vale pájaro en mano (que ciento volando)

It emphasises the value one already has in something, as opposed to the uncertainty of obtaining something greater, at the risk of losing everything.

English translation: “A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush)“.

Example: “En lugar de tomar el riesgo de buscar nuevas oportunidades, decidió mantenerse en su trabajo estable, creyendo que más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.”

No te la juegues todo a una carta

This expression is used to warn someone about the risk of gambling or relying entirely on a single option or possibility. This expression can be applied in different situations, such as making important decisions, investing money, planning projects or relying on a single person or resource. The expression “Cubrirse las espaldas” can also be used.

English translation: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.

Example: “Juan estuvo considerando empezar su propio negocio, pero sus amigos le advirtieron, no te la juegues todo a una carta.”

spanish sayings

No cantes victoria

It is smarter not to count the chicks until they have hatched, you may be in for a bad surprise.

English translation: “Don’t count your chickens (until they are hatched)”.

Example: “No cantes victoria solo por aprobar el primer examen. Aún quedan más por venir, mantente enfocado y sigue estudiando.”

Como quien oye llover

The duck’s feathers are impervious to water, so it slips. Some people are indifferent to criticism or to what others think. The expression “Entrar por un oído y salir por el otro.” can be used too.

English translation: “It’s like water off a duck`s back.”

Example: “El comentario negativo de Sara sobre su trabajo no le molesto en absoluto. Ha desarrollado tal seguridad en si mismo que escucha las críticas como quien oye llover.”

Cuando el río suena agua lleva

This saying indicates that when you hear rumours or hearsay about something, there is usually some truth behind it. It has its roots in ancient Rome and is a translation of the Latin expression “Nulla fumus sine igne”. It has been used for centuries in different cultures and languages.

English translation: “There is no smoke without fire” .

Example: “Quizás no sea culpa tuya, pero cuando el río suena agua lleva, ¿verdad?”

Las apariencias engañan

It is used to refer to people who, under their quiet and reserved appearance, hide passions. This proverb has its roots in Ancient Greece and was first used by the Roman poet Ovid in his work “Heroides”.

English translation: “Still waters run deep” or “You can’t judge a book by its cover”.

Example: “Ana parece silenciosa y reservada, pero las apariencias engañan. Si la conoces un poco te sorprenderá.

No tires piedras sobre tu propio tejado

To criticise others for one’s shortcomings is to place oneself in a vulnerable position. This saying has its roots in the Bible, in the Gospel of John, where Jesus warns a crowd that those without sin should be the first to throw stones.

English translation: “People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones.”

Example: “Luisa, criticó a sus compañeros. Su director le recordó que no tirase piedras sobre su propio tejado, cuestionando sus acciones.”

There are many proverbs and sayings in spanish that can be useful in your daily life. If you want to know more, we invite you to use the translation app Talkao Translate where you will find a large selection of proverbs, riddles and famous phrases in spanish and many other languages thanks to its smart books. Download it in GooglePlay or Appstore.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Imagine writing a text and then being able to use artificial intelligence to create your voice, or anyone else’s voice, from that text.
At first glance, this functionality may not seem very relevant, but it opens up a wide range of possibilities in areas such as translation or advertising.

Below, we explain the benefits of using artificial intelligence to create voices and other aspects to consider when using this technology.

Generative voice tools facilitate the creation of multilingual content and the expansion of international business.

Advantages of creating voice with artificial intelligence

When we use artificial intelligence to generate voices, we can improve the user experience by personalizing your content.

For example, in the area of translation, we can customize real-time translation so that users can hear their real (or at least more human) voices instead of the boring automated voice so typical of GPS.

Another possibility that opens up is that of writing a text for a lecture or publishing new content on social networks and generating a voice with artificial intelligence from a text file, being able to use it in the form of a podcast and even the possibility of translating it beforehand thanks to translation applications and generating the voice in other languages. As you can see, the possibilities for using and creating voice digitally are limitless.

AI-powered generative voice tools provide voices in different languages and accents, making it easier to create content in multiple languages and expand your business internationally.

Other benefits of creating voice with artificial intelligence

  • Save time and resources: AI voice generation enables the creation of high-quality audio content in a short amount of time, without the need to hire voice talent or record voiceovers in a studio.
  • Customization: Imagine being able to adjust the pitch, speed, or style of a voice to suit your needs. With this technology, you can.
  • Provide greater accessibility: AI speech generation will help make content accessible to the visually impaired, allowing them to listen rather than read.

Things to consider when creating voices with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is not all roses. While this technology offers opportunities that were unimaginable until recently, we must be responsible in how we use it.

woman dude - artificial intelligence

A clear example of this is the AI-generated voice model provided by Meta: Voicebox. A model that seems to be able to create voices without any special training.

According to Meta, all we need is a small audio sample of our voice and the written text we want to convert to voice, and the model will generate the sentence read with the voice of the audio clip.

These artificial intelligence tools offer very beneficial use cases, but we must also be aware of the abuse that can be made of them, such as creating identity theft through deepfakes.

Meta knows this and has made the decision not to release Voicebox as an open source tool, unlike what they did with LLaMA, they prefer not to make it available to the public because of the bad uses.

Artificial intelligence in translation

At Talkao, we are constantly exploring the possibilities that Artificial Intelligence can bring to the world of translation and communication. We have been testing AI models, verifying their reliability and analyzing their implementation in our translation apps to take the experience to a new level.

We want to use AI, as in Meta, in an appropriate and responsible way, without harming society or any sector, and always within the law.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Did you know that speaking Spanish is no longer enough? This is especially true when you need to negotiate with colleagues or business partners from other countries. That’s when you need that extra edge, that mastery of Spanish negotiation phrases that will make you stand out.

In this article, to make you look like a native speaker in your next Spanish negotiation, I will share with you 10 of these expressions, arranged according to the stage of the negotiation you are in.

Spanish expressions to negotiate

1. Preparation

Spanish expressions to negotiate

“Romper el hielo”

Meaning: Initiate a conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.

in English: Break the ice.

Example of use: “Rompamos el hielo con un cafe antes de empezar a hablar de negocios.”

Translation: “Let’s break the ice with a cup of coffee before we start talking business.”

Cómo y cuándo usarla: When you are at the beginning of a meeting and want to lighten the mood, don’t hesitate to use this expression. It is a great way to start off on a friendly and constructive note.

“Ver el bosque y no solo los árboles”

Meaning: See beyond the immediate details and understand the larger context.

In english: The bigger picture.

Example of use: “Antes de entrar en detalles, demos un paso atrás y veamos el bosque no solo los árboles.”

Translation: “Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture.”

How and when use it: This expression is useful when you want the team to look beyond the details and understand the big picture. It helps everyone to consider all the variables at play.

“Guardarse los ases en la manga”

Meaning: Don’t reveal your plans or strategies right away.

In english: Keep your cards close to your chest.

Example of use: “En esta fase de las negociaciones, es mejor que nos guardemos los ases en la manga.”

Translation: “In this stage of negotiations, it’s better we keep our cards close to our chest.”

How and when use it: This is the perfect expression for those moments when you want to remind your team that it is best not to reveal all your plans at the outset. Strategy is essential in negotiations and knowing when to reveal your intentions can make the difference between winning and losing.

2. Negotiation

Spanish expressions to negotiate

“Andarse por las ramas”

Meaning: Avoid talking directly about a specific issue.

In english: Beat around the bush.

Example of use: “No nos andemos por las ramas y hablemos directamente sobre los términos del acuerdo.”

Translation: “Let’s not beat around the bush and talk directly about the terms of the agreement.”

How and when use it: If you notice that the other party is avoiding engaging on a specific point or is distracting from the discussion, use this expression to return to the main topic.

“Ir al grano”

Meaning: Focusing on the most important details of an issue.

In english: Get down to brass tacks.

Example of use: “Ahora que todos estamos de acuerdo en los puntos principales, vayamos al grano.”

Translation: “Now that we all agree on the main points, let’s get down to brass tacks.”

How and when use it: This expression is useful when a general consensus has been reached and it is time to go into details and specifications. It helps to maintain focus and make sure everyone is on the same page.

“Dar y recibir”

Meaning: A process of compromise where both sides make concessions.

In english: Give and take.

Example of use: “La negociación se trata de dar y recibir. Necesitamos estar dispuestos a hacer algunas concesiones.”

Translation: “Negotiation is all about give and take. We need to be willing to make some concessions.”

How and when use it: This phrase is a perfect reminder that negotiation implies flexibility and a willingness to compromise in order to reach an agreement.

3. Closure

Spanish expressions to negotiate - Closure

“La pelota está en tu tejado”

Meaning: It is the other party’s turn to make a decision or move.

In english: Ball is in your court.

Example of use: “Hemos hecho nuestra oferta, ahora la pelota está en tu tejado.”

Translation: “We’ve made our offer, now the ball is in your court.”

How and when use it: Use this expression when you have made a proposal and are waiting for an answer or a counter-proposal.

“Cerrar el trato”

Meaning: Conclude or confirm an agreement.

In english: Seal the deal.

Example of use: “Estamos contentos con los términos, cerremos el trato.”

Translation: “We’re happy with the terms, let’s seal the deal.”

How and when use it: This expression is used when consensus has been reached and it is time to confirm the agreement and conclude the negotiation.

“Cortar por lo sano”

Meaning: To stop trying, to withdraw from a situation before further loss or damage occurs.

In english: Cut one’s losses.

Example of use: “Este acuerdo no está saliendo como esperábamos. Puede que sea hora de cortar por lo sano.”

Translation: “This deal isn’t going as planned. It might be time to cut our losses.”

How and when use it: Use this expression when you realise that a situation is not favourable and it is better to withdraw before further damage occurs.

“Todos ganamos”

Meaning: A win-win situation for all parties involved.

In english: Win-win situation.

Example of use: “Si ambos hacemos estas concesiones, nos encontraremos en una situación en la que todos ganamos.”

Translation: “If we both make these concessions, we’ll find ourselves in a win-win situation.”

How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to describe a win-win situation. It is the ideal goal of any negotiation.

In short

In short, mastering these spanish expressions to negotiate can be a real asset in the business world. From “breaking the ice“Romper el hielo” to “Cerrar el trato”, each stage of negotiation has its own set of phrases that will help you communicate effectively and confidently.

Did you like these spanish expressions to negotiate? We’d love to hear from you! Share your experience in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss our next article.

Remember !!!

You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Have you ever wanted to improve your Spanish so that you can describe situations and problems in a fluent and natural way?
In this article, we present 10 of these native Spanish expressions. So get your mind and your notes ready!

Spanish expressions to describe situations and/or problems

1. Estar en un aprieto

Meaning : To be in a pickle

Imagine that you have lost the report you had to present at work. You’ve messed up, you’re in a complicated situation and you don’t know how to get out of it. In spanish we would say that you are “en un aprieto”.

Puedes expresarlo diciendo, “Ahora estoy en un aprieto de verdad, he perdido el informe.”

2. Abarcar más de lo que se puede

Meaning : This expression refers to the tendency of someone to take on more than they can actually handle or carry out.

Have you committed yourself to too many tasks and now feel overwhelmed? In spanish you can say “abarcar más de lo que se puede”. For example, if you are overloaded with work and studies, you could say “Creo que he abarcado más de lo que puedo con el trabajo y la universidad.”

inglés para describir situaciones

3. Estar entre la espada y la pared

Meaning : To be caught between a rock and a hard place

Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where you have to make a difficult choice, and none of the options are particularly pleasant. In spanish, this is called “estar entre la espada y la pared”.

You could use it like this:”Estoy entre la espada y la pared. ¿Debería viajar durante la pandemia o perderme la boda de mi mejor amigo?”

4. Saltar de Guatemala a Guatepeor

Meaning : To be out of the frying pan and into the fire

inglés para describir situaciones

Have you ever tried to escape from a problem only to find yourself with an even bigger problem? Such a situation is called “saltar de Guatemala a Guatepeor”.

For example: “Después de dejar un trabajo estresante, me encuentro en uno aún más caótico. He saltado de Guatemala a Guatepeor”

5. Hacer una montaña de un grano de arena

Meaning : To make a mountain out of a molehill

Some people tend to exaggerate minor problems into major dramas. In English, this is called “hacer una montaña de un grano de arena”.

If a friend of yours is worrying excessively about something trivial, you could tell him or her: “Manten la calma, estás haciendo una montaña de un grano de arena.”

6. Empezar la casa por el tejado

Meaning : To put the cart before the horse

When you do things in the wrong order or try to do something before you have the prerequisites in place, you are “empezando la casa por el tejado”.

For example, if someone wants to start cooking a recipe before he or she have the ingredients, you could warn them by saying: “No empieces la casa por el tejado. Antes tendrás que comprar los ingredientes.”

inglés para describir situaciones : arriesgarse

7. Meterse en la boca del lobo

Meaning: To throw caution to the wind.

When you decide to take a risk and do something without thinking about the consequences, you are “metiéndote en la boca del lobo”.

For example, if you decide to invest all your savings in a risky business, you could say: “Conozco los riesgos, pero me meto en la boca del lobo e invertiré en este nuevo negocio.”

8. Estar en un callejón sin salida

Meaning: To be up a creek without a paddle

If you are in dire straits and without any apparent solution, you are “en un callejón sin salida”.

For example, if you are lost in a foreign city with no money, you might say: “Estoy en un callejón sin salida. He perdido y no tengo dinero.”

barco sin remos

9. Estás por encima de tus posibilidades

Meaning: To be in over one’s head.

If you find yourself in a situation that is too difficult for you to handle, then you are “por encima de tus posibilidades”.

For example, if you have enrolled in an advanced mathematics class without having the necessary background knowledge, you might admit to: “Estoy por encima de mis posibilidades en estas clases avanzadas de matemáticas.”

10. Estar en la cuerda floja

Meaning: To walk on thin ice

If you are in a situation where any little mistake could cause serious problems, you are “en la cuerda floja”.

For example, if your boss has warned you about being late for work, you might say:”Debo tener cuidado y llegar al trabajo a mi hora. Estoy en la cuerda floja con mi jefe.”

In short

Well done! Now you know 10 Spanish expressions that native speakers use to describe situations.

Remember that learning a new language is a journey, not a destination. If you can’t remember them all right away, don’t worry. Keep practicing and soon you’ll be speaking Spanish with native fluency. Don’t give up and keep going!

Remember !!!

You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

What is voice recognition?

Voice recognition is a branch of artificial intelligence that identifies words and phrases in spoken language and then converts them into a machine-readable form.

As we are surrounded by smartphones, voice assistants from Google or Amazon, smart cars, and even smart home appliances, it is easy to understand how voice recognition works.

But the reality of voice recognition is not as simple as it seems. The technology behind it is complex, despite the fact that Google has achieved a word accuracy rate of 95 percent for the English language as of May 2017.

The achievement of significant advances in this technology has been the result of close collaboration between a number of different disciplines.

It has required the collaboration of experts in fields such as artificial intelligence, computer science, signal processing, linguistics, acoustics, and physiology.
To improve and perfect speech recognition, these fields of knowledge are intertwined.

What uses can be made of voice recognition?

  • Cars: In order to have control of certain functions in the car, such as activating the GPS, making a call or playing a song.
  • Dictation: It is the most common application in the use of this technology. It automatically transcribes everything we express orally.
  • Voice command assistant: By means of previously established orders in the form of commands, we can request different actions. An example of this can be found in Google or Amazon devices for the home.
  • Smartphones or other mobile devices: Like I said before but through our phone we execute commands by voice instead of pressing buttons.
  • Disabled people: Depending on the type of disability, a voice recognition system can be used to help resolve certain situations..

This type of software is also used to generate passwords. They can be used as a key to encrypt information so that only those authorized to view the data can access it.

Applications that use speech or voice recognition

Talkao Translate

Voice recognition translation app

Talkao Translate’s voice recognition makes it possible to have real time conversations and translate instantly, allowing a fluent conversation without the need to speak other languages. A perfect tool for travelling abroad.

It also uses this technology in conjunction with artificial intelligence to make its results even more accurate. No need to type long sentences on a keyboard, just say them with your voice and let the recognition process and instant translation do the work for you.
Here is the link to the shops to download and try this voice translator.

Talkao Translate


A simple, fast and easy-to-use web application that transforms your voice into digital text based on Google Chrome’s speech recognition engine.

Go to Dictation


An Android note-taking app that adds settings to improve speech recognition results, giving you very accurate transcriptions with little or no need to edit your spoken notes.

Go to Speechnotes


This application is focused for bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters to transcribe the audio of any multimedia file, or your own voice in written format. It also has other features such as video editing or the ability to record your screen.

Go to Descript

Cortana – Alexa – Siri

The voice assistants of the big tech companies. Microsoft, Amazon and Apple offer through their own operating systems and devices the possibility to execute actions using voice commands, such as opening an application, making calls, scheduling an activity or receiving information by simply asking for it.

The future of voice recognition

There are still challenges that engineers are trying to solve to improve these types of tools.
These challenges include

  • Improve command over pronunciation, intonation and dialects.
  • Understand the context of sentences.
  • Improve quality by removing background noise.
  • Optimize the algorithm for different languages, especially minority languages.

Remember !!!

You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.