Author Archives: Nagore Valera

Do you want to go somewhere, but your friends are not available or the economy is not good enough and you do not know who to go with? Young people find it increasingly difficult to fit their schedules around those around them, but today that is not a problem.

On the Internet, we have a variety of opportunities to travel in groups with people from different parts of the world. A chance to meet new people and new cultures.

We are going to see the best options and the features of each one so that you can start organizing your next trip with all the guarantees of hiring their services if you do not have anyone to make your trip with, or you would like to do it to meet new people.

Group travel – Points to consider

A good communication

In any trip, defining goals and preferences is crucial to avoid problems, and even more so when traveling in a group. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain good communication with the members of the group in order to agree on the budget, the itinerary and the division of responsibilities.

Establish a leader

In general, the group travel platforms we will see below assign a leader or coordinator who is responsible for defining the goals and preferences of the trip, as well as making quick decisions and solving problems as they arise during the trip.

Have a translator always at hand

Following the first point, if your destination is a foreign country where you do not speak the official language, a translator will be very useful to communicate and meet people more fluidly.

Nowadays, with new technologies, it is as simple as downloading a translation app and you will have a powerful communication tool in your pocket. At Talkao we have spent years developing different solutions for each user and situation, from real-time translators, voice translators or translators that make use of the cell phone camera to translate what you have around you, such as restaurant menus, signage, etc…

Group travel

Group travel platforms


When you choose your trip in Weroad, you can choose from some of its categories, depending on the type of trip you want to make: Nature and Adventure, Monuments and History, Relax and Beach, City and Culture or Party and Nightlife.

Once the trip is confirmed by the members, we must book the transportation that will take us to our destination, being able to choose the one that suits us best, without being imposed.

A few days before the departure of the trip, the coordinator creates a Whatsapp group so that all the travel companions can get to know each other, clarify doubts and other details to be specified.

The platform also offers a community where users can interact, share tips and recommendations, or plan future trips. Watch the video below to see how Weroad works in action.

Go to Weroad


Huakai is coming on strong, although they started their journey after Weroad, already reached a turnover of 3 million in 2022.

More than 5,000 travelers already rely on this platform to organize group trips from 6 to 15 people. Each group is accompanied by a coordinator to guarantee unforgettable adventures.

We can search the different trips by date, destination or type of trip (safari, express, beach and fun, sailing and total experience).

Go to Huakai


Masaya is another alternative if you want to travel alone on organized trips in small groups to any destination you want. The trip is published on the website weeks in advance with the itinerary, activities and details.

The website is updated regularly and organizes different destinations and activities depending on the time of year.

Go to Masaya

With these options, you no longer have excuses to stay at home at any time of the year, for sure you will find a trip to the place you want to go, with the advantage of meeting new people and their culture. We can only wish you… Have a good trip!

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Why is it important to learn portuguese expressions and phrases?

Portuguese is not one of the most important languages in the world, but it is currently the 6th most spoken.

That’s why today I’m going to talk to you about colloquial Portuguese phrases that are used in everyday life and that you can hear when you walk down the street.

7 colloquial portuguese phrases and expressions

1- ¡Não faz mal!

It is a colloquial expression used in a variety of situations and contexts, such as to downplay importance, to indicate that something is not an inconvenience, or to reassure someone when apologizing or worrying about something.

In general, it is used to convey the idea that something is not important or a problem.

Example: “Derramei um pouco de café na sua camisa.”“Não faz mal, é apenas uma mancha pequena.”

Translation: “Sorry, I spilled some coffee on your shirt.”“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a small spot”

2- Ter muita lata

Equivalent to the english “To have the gall”. It is used to describe someone who is brazen in a negative tone to criticize or reproach that behavior.

Corresponds to the English “to have the gall”. It is used to describe someone who is bold enough to criticize or reproach in a negative tone.

Example: ”Ele sempre se intromete nas conversas alheias, parece que tem muita lata mesmo. “

Translation: “He always butts into other people’s conversations, he has the gall.”

3- Muito legal

This time we have a false friend to deal with. It is not used, as it might seem, as a legal term, but to refer to something good or amazing. If you like a food, you can use this phrase to express how good it is, always with a tone of enthusiasm..

Example: “A festa de aniversário foi muito legal, todos se divertiram muito”

Translation: “The anniversary party was great, we all had a lot of fun.

Portuguese phrases -  Muito legal

4- Pentear Macacos

Indicates a clear intention to put an end to an uncomfortable situation caused by another person that we find irritating. As when someone is constantly interrupting us or asking us uncomfortable questions. Similar to the expression “Go jump in a lake”

Example: “Aquela pessoa está tentando pentear macacos, é melhor ficar longe dela”

Translation: “Send that person to jump in a lake, it is better to stay away from him/her.”

5- “Partir o côco a rir”

The expression is used when someone laughs so hard that he or she loses control from laughing so hard.

Example: Durante o filme, houve momentos em que partimos o côco a rir.

Translation: During the movie, there were moments which I laughed my head off.

6. Dar uma mãozinha

It is the english equivalent of “Lend a hand”. It is used when we are going to lend help or collaborate in something in a friendly and close way, as if we were offering a small hand.

Example: Preciso de alguém para dar uma mãozinha.

Translation: I need someone to lend me a hand.

7.Cair a ficha

It is used to describe the moment when someone understands or realizes something they had not understood before.

Example: Demorou, mas finalmente caiu a ficha e percebi que ele estava me enganando

Translation: It took time, but in the end I opened my eyes and saw that he was cheating on me.

Continue learning portuguese phrases

If you want to learn hundreds of new expressions and words in Portuguese, you can do it with Talkao’s smart books, where you can find verbs, basic expressions, travel expressions, proverbs, or advanced vocabulary in Portuguese. Exclusive content from Talkao, reviewed by professional translators.

Talkao Translate
Icon Translate easy app
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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Live better experiences with a travel translator

If you are planning to travel abroad, you have probably wondered if it will be difficult to communicate with people in the country you are visiting.
Not being able to understand each other in a new place can be frustrating. It limits the possibilities of your trip and prevents you from enjoying new experiences in the same way.

To solve this problem you have 2 options, both in the form of a translator. One is portable or electronic translators and the other is translation applications that can be installed on your mobile phone. Both offer accurate translations with a very short waiting time.

Let’s look at the differences between these translators so you can make the best choice for your travels.

Choose the best travel translator

Electronic or portable translator

Travel Translator - Electronic Translator

Portable translators are electronic devices that are smaller than cell phones, making them easier to carry, and are primarily designed to assist with real-time language translation, although they may have other features such as image or text translation.


No internet connection required: Many of these devices can work without an Internet connection. An option to take into account when traveling to places where connectivity is limited or in places where the use of cell phones is not allowed (medical centers, airplanes, etc…).

User-friendly interface: Portable translators usually have a simple and easy-to-use interface, making them accessible to non-technical people.

Privacy and security: Since they do not require an Internet connection to provide the service, portable translators can work independently, an advantage if you are concerned about privacy and data security.


High price: The price of a portable translator for traveling ranges from $150 to $400, depending on the features of each model. The best known and rated are Vasco and Duckdik. Compared to the price of mobile applications can be high depending on the use we are going to give.

Obsolescence: Portable translators cannot take advantage of the advances and innovations introduced by technology companies. They are limited by the capabilities of the hardware and software. However, with mobile applications, this problem can be solved thanks to the updates of both the application and the operating system, be it Android or iOS.

Electronic translators: VascoDuckdik

Translation Apps

Travel Translator - Translation App


Always updated with the latest technologies: As an application, it receives regular updates and constant improvements, which increases its longevity. This prevents it from becoming obsolete in a few years and allows you to take advantage of technological advances such as artificial intelligence or augmented reality.

Low cost: The price difference can be important, especially if we need to use the application for one trip a year. Translation applications give us more flexibility if we sign up for a payment plan. They usually give us the option to make an annual or monthly payment, with the ability to cancel if we don’t need it. We can even keep the free option as long as it meets our needs.

More options: When it comes to choosing the translation application that best suits your needs, you have many more options than with electronic translators. You can try it for a few days to see if it’s really worth it, and if you don’t get the results you expected, it’s as easy as uninstalling and finding another translation app.


We really don’t find any disadvantages with these travel translators. You have a wide variety to choose from, with a lot of flexibility when it comes to subscribing to a plan and you will always be up to date with the latest news.

Translations apps: Talkao TranslateGoogle TranslateMicrosoft Translator

Talkao Translate

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

In a previous article, we recommended several apps for booking travels in an easy and economical way, both for transportation and accommodation.
This time, we’re going to tell you about apps to organize travels that will make it easier for you to plan your trip, so you can enjoy a smooth experience and have everything under control.

Apps to organize travels

Apps to organize travels - maps me

With MapsMe you can mark on a map the places you want to visit to plan your routes to monuments, restaurants, hotels, areas with Wifi, etc… a great advantage, everything at your fingertips even if you don’t have connection.

If you are lost and you are meeting someone but you don’t know how to find your way MapsMe gives you the option to share your location by email or sms in case you don’t have access to an internet connection. It can also be used as a GPS.

It has more than 7 million users, which places it among the top app to organize travels.

Go to

Alternatives: CityMaps2go Googlemaps


Apps to organize travels - Splitwise

If you travel in a group on more than one occasion you will find yourself in the situation of making accounts and dividing shared expenses. With this application you will be able to keep track of expenses not only from your cell phone, but also from its website.

It works in a very simple way: we start by creating lists of expenses in which we add the members of each trip and the shared expenses that have been accumulated.

The lists can be collaborative, so that the rest of the members can add the payments they have made.

Go to Splitwise

Alternatives: SplidTricount

Talkao Translate

Talkao Translate

When you travel, communicating in any language is very important in order to enjoy your new experiences to the fullest.

That’s why Talkao Translate is the most complete option, since it presents a translation services kit that allows you to translate your voice into more than 125 languages, in real time or remotely, in addition to being able to consult its smart books, with up to 4000 expressions, verbs and advanced vocabulary verified by professional translators, so that you can express yourself without any problem wherever you are.

It makes use of its own translation engine thanks to the Talkao API which together with other translation engines provides very accurate results. You can download Talkao Translate for both Android and iOS.

Go to Talkao Translate

Alternatives: Google TranslateMicrofost Translator


Apps to organize travels - Growpro

With this app you will not miss any event held at your destination, you have access to all the exclusive events published on the platform.

The app is oriented to students abroad, but it can also be useful if you are going to travel sporadically and thus be informed about the most relevant news related to your trip abroad.


Apps to organize travels - Xe

When we travel outside the European Union and we want to make a purchase, we will need to use a currency other than the Euro.
In the end, it can be a little difficult to know the cost of things, so to avoid any surprises when returning home, it is a good option to use an application such as XE to convert the currency with the current exchange rate in a very fast way.

Go to XE

Alternatives: Wise


Apps to organize travels - PackKing

Before going on a trip, we have to pack our bags and make sure we don’t forget anything; for this we have PackKing, an application that automatically generates a list, organized by categories, of what we need to take depending on the destination and the activities we plan to do.

We will be able to create as many lists as we want and edit them according to our needs.

Go to PackKing

If you know of other travel planning apps that are useful and can help other users, don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Imagine you are on holiday or on a business trip and you come across a sign at the airport or read a restaurant menu in another language.

How could you translate the text in front of you? Very easily, using the camera on your mobile phone.

The mobile phone, whether Android or iPhone, can be a great help. We always have it with us and thanks to new technologies we have endless possibilities at our fingertips, including text translation with the camera of our mobile phone.

Nowadays, there are many ways to translate text, the most common of which are explained below.

Translating text with augmented reality

Thanks to Augmented Reality, you can recognize the environment you are moving through and translate any text detected by your phone’s camera. The translation instantly appears on top of the original text. When you move and return to the original location …. magic, the translation will still be there!

It’s very useful when you go to a restaurant and you don’t understand the menu or you have a brochure that interests you but you need to know some details.

Translating text with augmented reality

Text translator with the camera

If you need to translate text with your mobile phone camera, just frame the text you want to translate on the screen, select the language of the original text and the language you want to translate it into (usually your native language), and when you take a photo, your translation will automatically appear.

It’s that easy, and it takes less than 15 seconds. It is a very practical solution if you find yourself in a transport station where the signs are not translated.

Translate text

Translating an object by recognition

Finally, we’ll show you how to translate an object you have in front of you but can’t remember its name, let alone its translation into another language. This method uses recognition technology. When you take a picture with the camera of your mobile phone, it cuts out the area of the object you want to translate and automatically starts the process of recognition and translation into the language you have previously selected.

This is a very handy solution if you are at the market and need to know the name of a fruit or vegetable so that you can ask the vendor later.

translate objects

You can use these methodologies to translate text thanks to the augmented reality translation apps and the free camera translator.
As you can see, it is very easy to avoid the language barriers that we can encounter on any trip with these translation apps that you can find for both Android and iOS.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.