Travel & Culture

We offer you guides, tips and recommendations to help you enjoy your travels and experience new cultures.

We want to help you discover new horizons and make every trip an unforgettable adventure. Join our community and share your own experiences and tips in the comments of each articles.

Japanese countryside

Ichi-go Ichi-e: The philosophy of the Japanese countryside

In the Japanese countryside I learned a philosophy that changed my life: ichi-go ichi-e.

Learn Portuguese in Portugal

Learn Portuguese in Portugal: The best places to learn and enjoy Portugal

Discover the best places in Portugal to learn or practice Portuguese. Get to know emblematic places such as Lisbon, Porto, Algarve, Coimbra and Sintra, while practicing the language with the locals, in the places we highlight in our guide. Immerse yourself in the culture of Fado and good food – Boa viagem!

travels and learning

Travels and learning: Explore the world through languages

Through the process of travels and learning we can discover a whole world outside our home. It will be a life-changing experience.


Perfect destinations to learn new languages

Today, learn new languages is easier than ever. In addition to technology and translation apps, you can visit the most incredible destinations in the world.

Mejora tu español - disfrutando la comida española

Improve your Spanish through food: Tapas and conversation

Enjoy Spanish cuisine and improve your Spanish. Tapas and conversation in an authentic Spanish environment is a delicious and immersive way to improve your skills.


AI Translator Assistant

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Bot Talkao IA Translator
  • AI Check Grammar
  • Verb conjugation
  • Synonyms
  • Learn languages
  • +50 prompts


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