Author Archives: Nagore Valera

In today’s globalised world, fluency in spanish in the workplace is vital. Knowing grammar and vocabulary may not be enough. Using native spanish expressions for work can make all the difference to your professional success.

Why are Spanish Expressions for Work Important?

Spanish is recognized as an important language in the business world. Therefore, a good knowledge of this language is indispensable in the professional world. Beyond the fundamental linguistic competence, knowledge of “Spanish expressions for work” can be a powerful tool to improve communication and relationships in the workplace.

Native spanish expressions for work

Here are ten essential native Spanish expressions for the workplace that will help you perform in the professional environment with greater fluency and self-confidence.

Expression 1: “La pelota está en tu tejado”

This expression is used to indicate that it is someone else’s turn to take an action or make a decision.

Example: “Hice todo lo que pude en el proyecto. Ahora la pelota está en tu tejado.”

Expression 2: “Echar a rodar”

“Echar a rodar” means starting a process or project.

Example: “Echemos a rodar la propuesta para poder presentarla la semana que viene.”

Native spanish expressions for work

Expression 3: “Tras bambalinas”

This phrase is used to refer to actions that occur in private or out of public view.

Example: “Nuestro equipo trabajó tras bambalinas para asegurar el contrato.”

Expresión 4: “Como Dios manda”

“Como Dios manda” means to do something exactly as the rules or the law say it should be done.

Example: “Nuestra empresa ha hecho todo como Dios manda para garantizar transparencia.”

Native spanish expressions for work -  justice

Expression 5: “Escalar puestos”

It means advancing in the corporate hierarchy or moving up the career ladder.

Example: “Comenzó como interna, pero trabajó duro y escaló puestos hasta convertirse en CEO.”

Expression 6: “Arrancar con fuerza”

This phrase means to start a project or work quickly and with a lot of enthusiasm.

Example: “El nuevo director de ventas arrancó con fuerza tan pronto como fue contratado.”

Native spanish expressions for work - enthusiasm

Expression 7: “En la misma sintonía”

“Estar en la misma sintonía” means to have the same understanding or to agree with someone else.

Example: “Vamos a reunirnos mañana para asegurarnos que estamos en la misma sintonía.”

Expression 8: “Elevar el listón”

“Elevar el listón” means to establish a higher level or a new standard.

Example: “Con nuestro innovador diseño, elevaremos el listón en la industria.”

Native spanish expressions for work - raise the bar

Expression 9: “Ponerse en contacto”

“Ponerse en contacto” means to communicate briefly with someone to discuss or confirm something.

Example: “Nos pondremos en contacto la semana que viene para comentar el informe.”

Expression 10: “Hacer cada uno su parte”

It means contributing fairly and equitably to teamwork, carrying out assigned responsibilities and meeting expectations.

Example: “En este proyecto es importante que cada uno haga su parte y complete su tarea a tiempo.”

Native spanish expressions for work - enthusiasm - To pull one's weight

How to incorporate these expressions for work

Knowing how to use native Spanish is an essential part of learning Spanish, especially in the workplace. Here are some strategies for incorporating these expressions into your professional discourse in a fluent, effective and natural way.

Listen and Learn

Listen to native Spanish speakers, whether in a meeting, in a business podcast or even in a TV show or movie.
You should pay attention to their use of phrases and expressions.
It’s one of the best ways to understand the proper context for each expression.

Practice with real examples

Make sure you practise these expressions in real-life contexts.

For example, you might try using “ponerse en contacto” the next time you need to discuss an issue with a colleague, or “elevar el listón” when you are in a strategy meeting. Regular practice will help you to use these expressions confidently and naturally.

Write in spanish

Try to write in spanish whenever possible. If you are in an international work environment, you are likely to have to write emails, reports or presentations in spanish.

Include these expressions in your writing to make it more authentic and natural.

To pull one's weight -  write in spanish

Spanish courses and workshops

A great way to improve your language skills is to enroll in a workplace Spanish course. Courses often cover industry-specific vocabulary, workplace etiquette and, of course, common expressions.

You can also look for workshops or webinars that focus specifically on native Spanish expressions.

Uses technology and learning tools

In today’s digital age, there is a wide range of technologies and tools available to help you improve your spanish.

From mobile apps to speech recognition software, you can find resources to suit your needs and learning style.

For example, language learning apps such as Duolingo and Babbel offer interactive lessons to improve your general language skills.

However, if you are looking for a more personalised solution focused on workplace English, Talkao’s translations apps could be exactly what you need.

Talkao’s apps are designed to help you master native spanish expressions in a variety of contexts, including the workplace. Its interactive and personalised approach means you can learn at your own pace and in a way that suits your specific needs and objectives.

Incorporating these technologies and tools into your learning process can make a big difference.

Not only will they provide you with constant practice, but they will also give you the opportunity to listen and practice authentic pronunciations and phrases.

So whether you prefer the convenience of a mobile app or the depth of an online language course, there’s an spanish learning solution to suit you.

In short

Mastering native spanish expressions for the workplace can help you communicate more effectively, gain confidence and stand out in your work environment.

Don’t underestimate the importance of these tools on your path to professional success. Start incorporating these expressions into your work spanish today and make a difference.


You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Today we are going to dive into the world of spanish expressions about sport. So, whether you’re a fervent follower of football, a basketball buff, or a devotee to diverse sports, this piece is tailor-made just for you.

Why is it important to know expressions about sport?

Gaining proficiency in idiomatic expressions can be a game-changer in mastering a new language. When it comes to spanish expressions about sport, their significance doubles if you’re a sports enthusiast or someone who loves to stay versatile in conversational topics.

These idioms don’t just serve a purpose during sports-related chatter, but are also frequently applied in business dialogues, media discourse, and daily banter.

10 English expressions about sport

1. “La pelota está sobre tu tejado”

  • Meaning: The ball is in your court
  • Example of use: “He hecho todo lo que podía hacer, ahora la pelota está sobre tu tejado.”
  • English translation: “He hecho todo lo que he podido, ahora te toca a ti.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you want to indicate that the next action or decision depends on the other person.

2. “En el último suspiro”

  • Meaning: Something that is decided at the last moment.
  • Example of use: “Este partido se va a decidir en el último suspiro.”
  • English translation: “This match is going down to the wire.”
  • How and when to use it: This expression is perfect to describe situations that are uncertain until the last moment.

3. “Poner en marcha”

  • Meaning: Start something or set something in motion.
  • Example of use: “Vamos a poner en marcha este proyecto.”
  • English translation: “Let’s get the ball rolling on this project.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you want to start a project, a meeting, an activity, etc.

4. “En la recta final”

  • Meaning: En la última fase o etapa de algo.
  • Example of use: “Ahora estamos en la recta final de este proyecto”
  • English translation: “We’re on the home stretch now with this project.”
  • How and when to use it: Usa esta expresión cuando estás cerca de completar un proyecto, una tarea o un evento.

5. “De la nada”

  • Meaning: Something that is surprising or unexpected.
  • Example of use: “Su renuncia salió de la nada”
  • English translation: “His resignation came out of left field.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this phrase when something surprises you or appears without warning.

6. “Subir de nivel”

  • Meaning: Mejorar tu rendimiento en una actividad.
  • Example of use: “Necesitas subir de nivel si quieres ganar este partido.”
  • English translation: “You need to step up your game if you want to win this match.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when someone needs to improve in something, be it in sports, work, study, etc.

7. “Tirar la toalla”

  • Meaning: Give up.
  • Example of use: “He trabajado muy duro en este proyecto, No estoy listo para tirar la toalla.”
  • English translation: “I worked so hard on this project, I’m not ready to throw in the towel.”
  • How and when to use it: This expression is used when you are considering giving up something because it is too difficult or because you are tired.

8. “Una aproximación”

  • Meaning: A rough estimate.
  • Example of use: “¿Puedes darme una cifra aproximada de cuánto costará?”
  • English translation: “Can you give me a ballpark figure of how much it will cost?”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when you need a quick and not necessarily accurate estimate of something.

9. “Un cambio radical”

  • Meaning: Something that completely changes the situation.
  • Example of use: “El nuevo iPhone fue un cambio radical en la industria de los smartphones.”
  • English translation: “The new iPhone was a game changer in the smartphone industry.”
  • How and when to use it: Use this expression when something has a significant impact and changes the way things are done.

10. “No quitar ojo”

  • Meaning: Keep your eye on the ball.
  • Example of use: “No le quites el ojo si quieres tener éxito.”
  • English translation: “You need to keep your eye on the ball if you want to succeed”
  • How and when to use it: Use this phrase to remind someone to stay focused on their goal or task..

How and when to use these expressions about sport

As you may have noticed, these spanish expressions about sport have a wide range of uses. They are not limited to discussions about sport; in fact, you will see them used in many different situations.

The important thing is to understand the context and meaning of the expression. With practice, you will become more and more comfortable using them.

Good luck!


You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising every area it touches, and translation is no exception. Over time, automatic translators have become more sophisticated and have reached a level of accuracy that was unthinkable years ago.

Now, with artificial intelligence, everything suggests that we will once again experience a revolution in translation that will change the way we communicate, improving its efficiency and almost completely eliminating language barriers. Let’s take a look at the advantages this will bring to our day-to-day lives.

Advantages of AI in translation

Translation of large amounts of data

One of the advantages of artificial intelligence in translation is its ability to process large amounts of text in multiple languages in a very short time with significantly better results than traditional machine translation, allowing for faster and more agile translation of documents and texts.

More accurate translation

Artificial intelligence offers suggestions and recommendations based on the specific context and domain of the text you are translating. This helps to improve coherence and consistency in translated texts.

Real-time translation

In addition to translating large amounts of data and more accurate translation, artificial intelligence significantly improves real-time translation and improves fluency in multilingual situations.

Imagine a work meeting with people from different parts of the world, each one of them speaking a different language. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and translation, every member of the group could listen to the meeting in their mother tongue and communicate with the rest of the people, reducing costs and time.

As in the previous case, we could extrapolate this to a live broadcast on Twitch or via YouTube channels.

Artificial intelligence in translation

Audio and video transcription

Traditional transcription techniques are often laborious and slow. The implementation of artificial intelligence makes possible to transcribe audio and video content with incredible accuracy and speed.

This has opened up new opportunities for content creators, media professionals and businesses looking to harness the power of audio and video content.

The future of artificial intelligence and translation

At Talkao we have been working closely with artificial intelligence for months in order to bring new and better translation experiences to our users. The potential offered by this technology is incredible and we are very excited about the new possibilities it presents us with.

As a technologist, I see how AI and the fourth industrial revolution will affect all aspects of people’s lives.

Fei-Fei Li, professor of computer science at Stanford University

Thanks to artificial intelligence we have been able to improve, for example, voice translation, achieving much more accurate detection than with traditional methods. We have integrated translation and augmented reality (AR) to offer a new experience where you can translate conversations in real time or any object around you.

Artificial intelligence will not replace human translation

Although we see that advances in artificial intelligence are promising, human translation will continue to be necessary. AI is a great help and complements the work of human translators, but it cannot completely replace their expertise and cultural knowledge.

We should not rely entirely on the results of artificial intelligence, especially in cases where understanding is crucial and misunderstanding can cause irreparable damage.

Translation is a complex process involving contextual understanding, wordplay and cultural adaptation, where humans remain indispensable.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

Why is it important to learn spanish expressions about feelings emotions in spanish?

Spanish expressions of feelings are a fundamental element of native spanish proficiency. It happens to all of us: we feel something deeply, but we can’t find the right words to express it. It is even more challenging when it is a second language.

Understanding and speaking the language of feelings in spanish not only allows us to share our feelings more authentically and accurately, but also helps us connect on a deeper level with native spanish speakers.

This article is designed to help you overcome that barrier. Let’s dive into the world of emotions and learn together spanish expressions about feelings.

Types of feelings and their expressions in spanish

1. Happiness

Expressing happiness is one of the most beautiful aspects of human communication.

In Spanish, you could say “Estoy en la luna” (I’m over the moon) to express immense happiness. Moreover, extreme happiness can be expressed by saying “Estoy en la cima del mundo” (I’m on top of the world).

For example, you can say : “Estoy en la cima del mundo después de haber pasado el examen”.

Spanish expressions about feelings -happiness

2. Sadness

When we are sad, we can say that we are “decaído” (feeling blue). Although it sounds strange in english, it is a very common expression in spanish.

When you are feeling really sad, you can say that you are “de bajón”.

An example would be: “Tras perder mi trabajo, estuve de bajón”.

3. Anger

If someone is angry, they might say “Estoy que echo humo” (I’m seeing red), which means they are furious.

Another common way to talk about anger in spanish is to use the phrase “Estoy al borde de un ataque de nervios”. It is a colloquial way of saying that you are so angry that you might lose control.

An example of its use would be: “Cuando descubrí que cancelaron el concierto después de viajar tan lejos me puse al borde de un ataque de nervios”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - anger

4. Fear

To speak of fear, the expression “Aterrado” (scared stiff). If you are really scared, you can say “Tengo pavor”.

For example : “Antes de mi primer salto en paracaídas, tenía pavor”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - fear

5. Surprise

If something takes you by surprise, you might say “Estoy sorprendido” (I’m taken aback).

To express surprise, you can say “Me has dejado boquiabierto/a” (My jaw dropped).

If you are surprised with a birthday party, you could say: “Cuando entré me quedé con la boca abierta”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - surprise

6. Repugnante

When you are disgusted by something, you can express it with the phrase “Me revuelve el estómago” (It turns my stomach).

Otra forma de expresar disgusto es decir “Me da grima” (That makes my skin crawl).

If you dislike spiders, you can say: “Las arañas me dan grima”.

Spanish expressions about feelings : disgust

How to use these spanish expressions about feelings in everyday life

Learning to use Spanish expressions about feelings goes beyond being able to understand Spanish movies or songs; it is crucial for everyday interactions and expressing yourself authentically.

Explore how to incorporate these native Spanish expressions into your daily life.

A. Informal conversations

These expressions are essential in everyday communication. Your spanish-speaking friends use them all the time.

For example: you have just received some wonderful news, instead of simply saying “Estoy feliz”, you can express yourself more enthusiastically and say “¡Estoy en la cima del mundo!”

B. Professional environments

While some expressions may be informal, others fit perfectly well in professional contexts.

For example : in a work meeting, if something surprises you, you can express it by saying: “Quedé sorprendido por la noticia de los recortes presupuestarios”.

C. Social media

Social media is a great place to practice these expressions. If you want to share an exciting moment in your life, you can do so using these expressions.

For example: “Ver estas fotos de la playa me hacen sentir como en la luna”

Practice: Translating feelings

The best way to learn these English expressions for emotions is to practice them.

I propose you an exercise.

Let’s put our learning into practice with some English phrases connected to emotions.

Your challenge? Translate them into Spanish, using the expressions about feelings we’ve explored so far.

  1. “I am very happy about my sister’s new job..”
  2. “The end of that film made me very sad.”
  3. “It makes me furious when people don’t respect the environment.”
  4. “The president’s speech surprised me.”
  5. “I am disgusted by spoiled food.”

Remember !!!

You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.

Don’t hesitate to visit our Talkao website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.

You may have encountered situations where you need to translate a PDF into other languages, such as magazines, guides, essays, novels… or a simple personal document, such as a resume.

No matter what language you need to translate into (English, Arabic, Chinese, German…) with today’s technology we can get the translation done in seconds. Forget language dictionaries, they are history.

Why translate a PDF?

The PDF file format is one of the most widely used formats for sharing digital information, as it has many advantages over other types of documents.

One of its main advantages is that it is multiplatform, which means no matter the system we use, we will be able to view it. It also offers a stability that other formats do not offer, maintaining the original design.

What if we receive a PDF document in another language? If so, there are different options on the market to translate it.

Tools for translating a PDF

Camera Translator

The Camera Translator app is the most recommended PDF translator. It has advanced technology that allows it to handle large PDF files with no page limit. Its OCR text recognition is able to identify text even if the quality of the PDF document is not as good as desired.

This PDF translator uses the best translation engines on the market and the Talkao API to provide the user with an intelligent, accurate and context-sensitive translation.

It also offers the possibility, not only to translate PDF and most text formats, but also to translate images taken with the mobile camera and even translate your voice, in order to have a fluid communication anywhere in the world.

In the following video you can see a small sample of the translation options offered by Camera Translator:

The application is aimed at users who are constantly travelling from one country to another and need to eliminate language barriers, as well as for business people or workers who need smooth and fast communication in their daily work. To download it, all you need to do is to go to the GooglePlay, Appstore or Huawei Gallery stores.

Other options

Google Translate

As we all know Google has its widely used translation tool which can also be used to translate PDF files.

Microsoft translator

Although somewhat outdated, Microsoft offers a function to translate PDF files through its website or using the Microsoft Translator application.

Steps to translate a PDF

  • Choose a file: Select from simple text documents to complex PDF files with images, links, etc… In addition to PDF documents you can upload other formats such as DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, ODT, RTF o TXT
  • Select the source and target language: Identify the language in which the original PDF file is written and select the language you want to translate. There are over 100 languages available, so no language will be too difficult to translate.
  • Customise your PDF translation: You can select the page you need to translate or cut out just the fragment you need to optimise the translation.
  • Save it: Once you have the PDF translation, all you need to do is save, copy or share it.

As you have seen, nowadays language is not a barrier, thanks to technology it is very easy to translate a PDF and any document so that we can understand it in our mother tongue or to communicate outside our borders.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.