Spanish expressions about feelings

Expresiones en inglés para emociones
icon author Nagore Valera
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Why is it important to learn spanish expressions about feelings emotions in spanish?

Spanish expressions of feelings are a fundamental element of native spanish proficiency. It happens to all of us: we feel something deeply, but we can’t find the right words to express it. It is even more challenging when it is a second language.

Understanding and speaking the language of feelings in spanish not only allows us to share our feelings more authentically and accurately, but also helps us connect on a deeper level with native spanish speakers.

This article is designed to help you overcome that barrier. Let’s dive into the world of emotions and learn together spanish expressions about feelings.

Types of feelings and their expressions in spanish

1. Happiness

Expressing happiness is one of the most beautiful aspects of human communication.

In Spanish, you could say “Estoy en la luna” (I’m over the moon) to express immense happiness. Moreover, extreme happiness can be expressed by saying “Estoy en la cima del mundo” (I’m on top of the world).

For example, you can say : “Estoy en la cima del mundo después de haber pasado el examen”.

Spanish expressions about feelings -happiness

2. Sadness

When we are sad, we can say that we are “decaído” (feeling blue). Although it sounds strange in english, it is a very common expression in spanish.

When you are feeling really sad, you can say that you are “de bajón”.

An example would be: “Tras perder mi trabajo, estuve de bajón”.

3. Anger

If someone is angry, they might say “Estoy que echo humo” (I’m seeing red), which means they are furious.

Another common way to talk about anger in spanish is to use the phrase “Estoy al borde de un ataque de nervios”. It is a colloquial way of saying that you are so angry that you might lose control.

An example of its use would be: “Cuando descubrí que cancelaron el concierto después de viajar tan lejos me puse al borde de un ataque de nervios”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - anger

4. Fear

To speak of fear, the expression “Aterrado” (scared stiff). If you are really scared, you can say “Tengo pavor”.

For example : “Antes de mi primer salto en paracaídas, tenía pavor”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - fear

5. Surprise

If something takes you by surprise, you might say “Estoy sorprendido” (I’m taken aback).

To express surprise, you can say “Me has dejado boquiabierto/a” (My jaw dropped).

If you are surprised with a birthday party, you could say: “Cuando entré me quedé con la boca abierta”.

Spanish expressions about feelings - surprise

6. Repugnante

When you are disgusted by something, you can express it with the phrase “Me revuelve el estómago” (It turns my stomach).

Otra forma de expresar disgusto es decir “Me da grima” (That makes my skin crawl).

If you dislike spiders, you can say: “Las arañas me dan grima”.

Spanish expressions about feelings : disgust

How to use these spanish expressions about feelings in everyday life

Learning to use Spanish expressions about feelings goes beyond being able to understand Spanish movies or songs; it is crucial for everyday interactions and expressing yourself authentically.

Explore how to incorporate these native Spanish expressions into your daily life.

A. Informal conversations

These expressions are essential in everyday communication. Your spanish-speaking friends use them all the time.

For example: you have just received some wonderful news, instead of simply saying “Estoy feliz”, you can express yourself more enthusiastically and say “¡Estoy en la cima del mundo!”

B. Professional environments

While some expressions may be informal, others fit perfectly well in professional contexts.

For example : in a work meeting, if something surprises you, you can express it by saying: “Quedé sorprendido por la noticia de los recortes presupuestarios”.

C. Social media

Social media is a great place to practice these expressions. If you want to share an exciting moment in your life, you can do so using these expressions.

For example: “Ver estas fotos de la playa me hacen sentir como en la luna”

Practice: Translating feelings

The best way to learn these English expressions for emotions is to practice them.

I propose you an exercise.

Let’s put our learning into practice with some English phrases connected to emotions.

Your challenge? Translate them into Spanish, using the expressions about feelings we’ve explored so far.

  1. “I am very happy about my sister’s new job..”
  2. “The end of that film made me very sad.”
  3. “It makes me furious when people don’t respect the environment.”
  4. “The president’s speech surprised me.”
  5. “I am disgusted by spoiled food.”

Remember !!!

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.


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August 18, 2023 at 9:45 pm

Je veux traduire par une fille

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