Spanish expressions about leisure

Expresiones en inglés sobre ocio
icon author Nagore Valera
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When we talk about leisure, we are talking about the activities we do to have fun, relax and enjoy our free time. There are a lot of spanish expressions about leisure which you can use to talk about these activities.

Why is it important to know these spanish expressions about leisure?

Knowing and using these Spanish expressions will allow you to communicate more effectively and authentically with native Spanish speakers.
Not only will it demonstrate your fluency in the language, but it will also allow you to better understand Spanish conversations, movies, songs, and books.

Spanish expressions about leisure

1. “Tomar un respiro”

  • Meaning: This is a colloquial way of saying “relax”.
  • Example of use: “Después de una larga semana de trabajo, todo lo que quiero hacer es tomarme un respiro.”
  • English translation: “After a long week of work, all I want to do is kick back and relax.”
  • How and when use it: You can use this expression when you want to talk about relaxing or having a quiet time.

2. “Soltarse el pelo”

  • Meaning: This phrase means to relax and enjoy yourself, without worrying about what others think.
  • Example of use: “Es fin de semana. Es hora de soltarse el pelo.”
  • English translation: “It’s the weekend. It’s time to let your hair down.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to talk about relaxation and carefree enjoyment.

3. “Dar en el clavo”

  • Meaning: To achieve a great success or earn a large amount of money.
  • Example of use: “Ella dió en el clavo con su nuevo emprendimiento.”
  • English translation: “She hit the jackpot with her new business venture.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to talk about achieving a great success or winning something relevant.

4. “El tiempo vuela”

  • Meaning: Time passes quickly.
  • Example of use: “No puedo creer que ya sea viernes. ¡El tiempo vuela!”
  • English translation: “I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Time flies!”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to comment on how quickly time passes.

5. “Disfrutar al máximo”

  • Meaning: Make the most of life and seize opportunities.
  • Example of use: “Son tu vacaciones. ¡Deberías salir y disfrutar al máximo!”
  • English translation: “It’s your vacation. You should go out and live it up!”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to encourage someone to fully enjoy an experience.

6. “Echar una cabezada”

  • Meaning: Sleep or rest.
  • Example of use: “Estoy agotado. Necesito ir a casa y echar una cabezada.”
  • English translation: “I’m exhausted. I need to go home and catch some Z’s.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to refer to the need to sleep or rest.

7. “Dar rodeos”

  • Meaning: Avoid talking directly about an issue.
  • Example of use: “Deja de rodeos y dime lo que realmente piensas.”
  • English translation: “Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to ask someone to be direct in their communication..

8. “Dejarse llevar”

  • Meaning: Adapt to circumstances and follow the natural course of things.
  • Example of use: “No tengo un plan para hoy. Simplemente me dejaré llevar.”
  • English translation: “I don’t have a plan for today. I’ll just go with the flow.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to indicate that you are willing to adapt to whatever happens.

9. “Dejarlo para otra ocasión”

  • Meaning: Postponing or postponing an invitation to another time.
  • Example of use: “No puedo ir al cine esta noche. ¿Puedo dejarlo para otra ocasión?”
  • English translation: “I can’t make it to the movie tonight. Can I take a rain check?”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you need to postpone an invitation or meeting for later.

10. “Divertirse como un niño”

  • Meaning: Having fun or finding something very entertaining.
  • Example of use: “Se divierte como un niño viendo videos graciosos de gatos.”
  • English translation: “He gets a kick out of watching funny cat videos.”
  • How and when use it: Use this expression when you want to express that you are amused or find something very entertaining.
spanish expressions in leisure : having fun

In short

Whether you’re talking about going to the movies, enjoying the nightlife, or just relaxing, these leisure expressions add a native flavor to your conversations. Remember to practice them in appropriate contexts and adapt them to the situation.

Do you have any favorite Spanish phrases about leisure that we didn’t include in this article? Share them in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss our next article.

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Nagore ValeraNagore Valera Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

Nagore Valera is a professional with more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, specializing in SEO and content management. She is recognized for developing and implementing effective SEO strategies and creating high-quality content that enhances online visibility and drives growth. Nagore also has experience in blog writing and developing specialized materials. Nagore has experience as an international ambassador, analyzing and improving SEO practices, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing the quality of digital content.


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