Learn languages

Improve your language skills and expand your vocabulary, learn new languages effectively. With this selection of articles we want to help you so that languages are not a barrier and you can achieve your goals.

Explore our blog and discover the articles that will help you expand your horizons!

Expresiones en inglés sobre ocio

Spanish expressions about leisure

Discover the best spanish expressions about leisure to enjoy and communicate like a native speaker. Let’s go!

Expresiones en inglés para eventos sociales

Native spanish expressions for social events

Discover the best English expressions for social events and become the life of the party. Learn how to ‘romper el hielo’, be ‘el alma de la fiesta’ and ‘soltarse el pelo’. Master these expressions and dazzle at any social gathering – don’t miss out!”

Portuguese phrases and expressions

7 portuguese phrases and expressions for everyday use

Discover colloquial Portuguese phrases and expressions that will improve your fluency. Master the art of speaking like a local and surprise your classmates with your new language skills.

refranes en inglés

Spanish sayings and proverbs

Spanish sayings and proverbs can be very useful to get an official certification or to improve your conversational skills.

Expresiones en inglés para negociaciones

Spanish expressions to negotiate

Discover 10 native Spanish expressions to negotiate that will make you stand out at any negotiating table. Want to take your negotiation skills to the next level?
