Travel & Culture

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translation of the Bible

The translation of the Bible: Good or bad translation?

In the historical process of translation of the Bible, some very interesting mistakes were made that are worth analyzing.

multilingual countries

The top 10 of world’s most multilingual countries

There are many multilingual countries in the world. But do you know which ones are the most diverse? Today you will discover them.

spanish speakers

The USA is second in Spanish speakers worldwide!

Spanish speakers are the second largest language group in the United States. And, in turn, the United States is the second country with the most Spanish speakers in the world.

Native Americans

What language did native Americans speak?

Did Native Americans speak only one language? Today we will discover that no, there are more than 500 languages ​​in all of America.

translation mistakes

The worst translation mistakes in history

We all make mistakes. But these translation errors almost caused real disasters. Let’s look at the worst in history.



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