Spanish Flirting Expressions and phrases

Spanish phrases to flirt
icon author David Nieto Rojas
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Spanish Flirting Expressions : Understanding the Art of Romance in Spain

Ligar con alguien – Camelarse a alguien

Let’s start with the most common Spanish Flirting Expressions when it comes to conquering a person. In English, we often use expressions like “To chat someone up” or “To pick someone up” when we engage in conversation with that special someone we want to conquer.

Example of use: “Are you trying to chat me up?” – “Isn’t that obvious”

English translation: “¿Estás intentando camelarme?” – “Es obvio”

Other popular Spanish Romance Expressions include “Intentar conquistar” for “To make a play for” or “Intentar ligar” for “To try it on with.”

Invitar a alguien a salir

A pivotal moment in using Spanish Flirting Expressions is when we ask someone out. The phrase “To ask someone out” is a classic.

Example of use: No se que hacer. George me ha invitado a salir el Miércoles por la noche

English translation: I dont know what to do. George asked me out on Wednesday night

To make a pass at…

Continuing with our guide on Spanish Flirting Expressions, let’s explore more informal situations of social interaction.

Example of use: “Él intentó tirarle los tejos a ella, pero no le interesaba.”

English translation: “He tried to make a pass at her, but she was not interested.”

Tirar los trastos a

For the younger crowd, specific Spanish Flirting Phrases are more common. “Tirar los trastos a” means “To hit on (someone)” and is popular among the youth.

Example of use: “Estuvo tirándole los trastos toda la noche en la fiesta.”

English translation: “He was hitting on her at the party all night.”

Hacer que alguien caiga rendido a sus pies

Mastering Spanish Flirting Expressions includes learning how to impress someone deeply.

“Hacer que alguien caiga rendido a sus pies” translates to “To sweep someone off their feet.”.

Example of use: “Cayó rendida a sus pies con su serenata sincera.”

English translation: “He swept her off her feet with his heartfelt serenade.”

Spanish Flirting Expressions

Expressions to consummate the relationship

Let’s discuss some of the bolder Spanish flirting expressions used in more intimate contexts. These phrases, such as “Echar un polvo” or “Pillar cacho”, are colloquial and explicit and are often used to refer to sex.

These expressions are used to indicate that the act of making love with someone has been completed (in an affectionate way). It does not have to imply sentimental complicity, just that the act of love has been completed.

Some expressions are more explicit and are used colloquially to refer to having sex.

Given its direct sexual connotation, it is important to consider the context and audience before using this expression, as it may be considered offensive or inappropriate in many situations.

Pillar cacho

Example of use: “Fue a la fiesta con la esperanza de pillar cacho.”

English translation: “He went to the party hoping to get laid.”

Enrollarse con alguien

Example of use: “Se enrollaron en la fiesta de anoche.”

English translation: “They got off with each other at the party last night.”


Example of use: “Él mojó con ella en la fiesta del fin de semana pasado.”

English translation: “He scored with her at the party last weekend.”

Strengthening the Relationship with Spanish Flirting Expressions

If the courtship phase has been successful and you are looking to solidify the relationship, the use of Spanish flirting expressions evolves to reflect a deeper emotional connection.

It’s about more than continuing to make flirtatious comments; it’s about expressing commitment and a deeper understanding of each other.

As your relationship grows, these expressions become crucial in communicating long-term intentions and feelings.

This evolution from initial flirtation to deeper connection marks a significant step in building a lasting relationship and underscores the importance of choosing the right words to deepen and celebrate your bond.

Dar el sí

Example of use: “Se darán el sí en una hermosa ceremonia en la playa el próximo mes.”

English translation: “They’re getting hitched in a beautiful beach ceremony next month.”


Example of use: “Se comprometieron en su aniversario y ahora están planeando su boda.”

English translation: “They got engaged on their anniversary, and now they’re planning their wedding.”

Ir en serio con alguien

Example of use: “Han estado en una relación seria durante dos años, y su relación es más fuerte que nunca.”

English translation: “They’ve been going steady for two years now, and their relationship is stronger than ever.”

Ser como uña y carne

This expression is used in informal conversations and is used to describe both recent and long-term relationships.

Example of use: “Han sido como uña y carne durante bastante tiempo y parecen muy felices juntos.”

English translation: “They’ve been an item for quite some time now, and they seem very happy together.”

Eres mi media naranja

This idea has been used in many cultures and settings to describe the idea of a perfect or suitable partner for people. The individual is seen as the ideal or faultless match for somebody else.

Example of use: “Eres mi media naranja.”

Traducción: “You are my better half .”

To say goodbye

We have explored Spanish flirtatious phrases and realized that it’s not just about compliments or humor in the beginning. It’s intriguing how a few selected phrases can create several opportunities, don’t you agree?

It’s similar to word-dancing, leading us from the first attraction to a lasting and meaningful bond. Starting from the first glance with a “are you here?” to the “I can’t imagine life without you” murmured many years later, words can narrate the tale of two individuals.

The best aspect? No matter if these words are spoken in any language, it remains true that love can be expressed in many ways.

Every person has their own way of speaking, and this is what makes each connection unique. So instead of learning just phrases, I encourage you to feel the emotions in every word.

Ultimately, what matters most is the true connection we make with that special someone.

If you’re beginning a new love story or continuing an existing one, remember that Spanish Flirting Expressions are more than just words; they are little paths that we build towards each other’s hearts.

Don’t hesitate to explore them and see where they take you!

If you enjoyed reading this today, we have good news for you: we’ve written more articles with useful tips and phrases.

Check out our other content to continue discovering the captivating world of love and flirting. We can’t wait to join you on this journey!

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David Nieto rojasDavid Nieto Rojas Linkedin icon Instagram icon Email icon

David Nieto is a graphic designer at Talkao S.L. and Offiwiz S.L. Graduated in communication and graphic design, with a wide professional experience, he has worked in many projects of diverse nature, such as the visual identity of several companies, printed and digital advertising pieces, signage, development and design of websites, even as a concept artist in the field of video games. Curiosity and eagerness to excel are his professional DNA.


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